Thursday, April 28, 2016

Post 23

The most important thing that I have learned about literature. I've learned that literature is a vast topic with a lot of genre. We read some novels that had to dell with a man personal life after war "Soldier's Home". We have also read a couple of stories about how women feel on the inside and how it affects their love ones. But the most important thing that I've learned is to love reading.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Post 22

The role for women to today modern day life? Women are the back bone in today's house hole. The women cook, clean, make sure everyone is okey, and is the women is happy everyone is happy. Without women the would wouldn't spin round. Today women have the same power as men.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Post 21

My favorite T.V. show is Survivor. Survivor is a T.V. cerise that takes place in Hong Kong. They change the setting every season so the challengers can go through different obstacles. In Survivor there are 14 people that go to a remote place and they have to work as a team to survive for 25 days.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Post 20

About that develops a metaphor about what you think about poetry. Metaphors are important when it comes to poetry. Using metaphors helps readers expand the way that they think towards the text.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Post 19

One of my favorite artist is YFN Lucci and in his song "Woke Up (Boss)" he said "I steeped in the some mud and whipped it off, took a lose and took a lost, I'm a boss." This line means that in life you are going to experience some had times witch may lead to loses, but you have to overcome the loses and be a boss.  

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Post 18

Jahai Canty said "Images can mean a plethora of things depending on the viewers understanding. Imagery appeals to the five senses. The poem "Heat" by H.D uses the imagery of touch. In the poem "Heat" the author says "fruit cannot fall into heat", and "O wind, rend open the heat". I understand this image as heat being a feeling of touch. Also, the elements of nature are being personified."

Siobhan Neal said "Images can tell things better then words can tell it. Action speaks louder then words, and images are sometimes better then words. I know when I look at an image I can see the words throughout the image and sometimes predict what happens.Like Maya Angelou poem "Phenomenal Woman" I can see a woman that is strong and is well smart about what she do."

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post 17

The definition of image is language that addresses the senses. We use images to describe different things and to catch you audience attention. They provide verbal pictures of the poet's encounters real or imagined with the world.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Post 16

Jaylen Pope said in her post "Usually we think of myths as imaginary gods that are powerful and perform magic and other things. In the poem "Hazel Tell LaVerne" written by Katharyn Howd Machan is revised version of the princess frog. "Myths can be a window into a culture's deepest perceptions about itself because myths attempt to explain what otherwise seems unexplainable(2042)." The poem represents that a talking frog that want a maid to kiss him in hopes of becoming a princess. Hope is the main thing in this poem."

Demetri Carter said in his post "In the poem "Hazel Tell LaVerne" written by Katharyn Howd Machan is revised version of the princess frog. "Myths can be a window into a culture's deepest perceptions about itself because myths attempt to explain what otherwise seems unexplainable." The poem is about a frog that wants to become a prince, but that only way he can become the prince is by true love's kiss by a maid. So the theme of the poem is true loves."

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Post 15

  • Most people know myths from books and stories that they have read. You usually see them there because the author is trying to enhance the audience imagination and try to have them to think outside of the box. "In this context myth is not to be understood simply as referring to stories about imaginary gods who perform astonishing feats in the causes of love, jealousy, or hatred (2042)."  

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Post 14

Monicia Andrews said "I believe that the theme of phenomenal woman is how an average woman is still beautiful because of the way she carries herself. Its not because she looks like a model or walks like one. It's because she has soo much confidence and she has a good head on her shoulders. So when she walks around people can see that she is confident, graceful, and that she wont let anything bring down her pride in life. This is why she is so phenomenal."

Demetri Carter said "Jay Z- These are not sixteen's, these are verses from the bible-. That is my favorite verse from him and the theme of it is his rhymes are not just a basic 16 bars, that they are holy and that they should be praised like words from the bible."

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Post 13

The theme of your favorite song lyric or favorite poem? My favored song lyric is from Kevin Gated "I don't get tired". The lyric is "get it get fly, I got six jobs I don't get tired". I like that lyric because it just brings a lot of energy and passion. It means that I don't get tired and doing what I do in life. This is a great workout song and gets you motivated to do anything that you put your mind to.  

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Post 12

The theme of my life has to be happy/ joyful. If you have meet me you will notice that I am always smiling or grinning. I'm the type of person who absolutely hate being in a bad mood. Being in a bad mood is bad luck for me also, if I am mad everything goes the complete opposite the way I wasn't it to go. So everyday before I leave my room to go somewhere I try to be happy and have high spirit about things.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Post 11

My favorite movie of all time is the first Transformers. Transformers are about robots from a different planet that come to earth and protect man kind from the evil Transformers. At first man kind didn't like the Autobots on earth but then they grew to like them, and the Autobots stay on earth to protect the humans.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Post 10

Something that Jaylen Pope wear everyday is Calvin Klein. Calvin Klein is a fasion company. "Something that I carry almost everyday is my Calvin Klein hand bag on occasions. Calvin Klein is a fashion company that not only creates handbags they also make clothes, book bags, underwear, shoes and accessories. The word "Calvin Klein" symbolizes the founder who name is Calvin Klein. The "CK" is their logo that the company advertise which make the consumer familiar with the company and the product."

Tryjon Hatcher wears a necklace every day as his symbol. "The one item that I always have on me is my necklace. It is part of a yin yang symbol. It is the Yang symbol part. My brother has the Yin part of the necklace. What the necklace symbolizes to me is that my brother, and I when we are together we are complete. We are exact opposites of each other though. The Yin symbol means life, movement, sun,strong, big, love, and mercy."

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Post 9

Something that we wear  everyday and what does it symbolize. Something that I wear almost everyday is Nike. Nike is an athletic brand and they make stuff from jackets, shirts, cloths, shoes and even book bags. The brand Nike was founded January 25, 1964 and it's headquarters is in Beaverton, Organ.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Post 8

Jaylen Pope did her post on the story "Greese". "In the story "Geese" the setting of the story is based in  Japan. Dina who is a native in Baltimore wants to moved to Japan because she wants to make a lot of money. Dina fail to realize the reality of her moving to Japan. She had a job at a amusement park which she ends up quitting her job because the job did not amused her. After she quits Dina wanted to take a vacation in a round trip to different cities in Japan such as Tokyo, Akihabara, Odaiji and Shinjuku. In "Geese"the symbolism in the setting in Japan was that Dina was out of touched with reality and she did not think about what you have to do or go through to get a pile of money. She did not have any type of plan before she left her hometown which left Dina in a world of trouble."

Greg did his post on the story "Soldiers Home". "In the story "Soldiers Home" , the main character Harold Krebs has returned to America from France and Germany (where he fought important battles). Its the summer of 1919 in Oklahoma and while Harolds is suppose to enjoy himself back in America he has a slight post traumatic stress disorder which is making him anti social."

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Post 7

One of the stories that I read this week was "In A Soldiers Home" This story is taken place in Oklahoma, and the main character name is Kerbs. Kerbs has come home from the war and the war has changed him a lot. He just doesn't have the same fire in his eye and energy level to do anything anymore like he did before he went to the war.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Post 6

"One of the most effective ways William Faulkner establishes depth of character and scene is by using long lists of descriptions. Actions in one scene that then recall a past or future scene." Great story Kimetric Parks.

"it probably brings back some of his child hood memories that he use to, watch maybe as a kid he would watch a lot of Tarzan. or like young little boys he looked up to him dressed up as Tarzan, and maybe he had a huge impact in his life.  maybe that was something his parents introduce him too as a kid. or even something that he could looked growing up as a teen and or a adult in college." Good topic Isreal Walker 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Post 5

Karen Van Der Zee wrote the short story "From A Secret Sorrow". Karen is famous for her renown literature and her romantic stories. What inspired Karen to write this story is that she wanted to touch people with something romantic with a twist to it and she wanted to tell a story which could happen in real life. This is just one of many of Karen stories that she has written.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Post 4

I have chose to comment on Alexis Boles  blog post about the story "Three Girls." What I've learned from her comments are there are two girls who really likes to read and one of the girls saw something unusual son they went to go see what it was.  "There were two  girls who loved books and were poets and worked in a strand. One girl spotted  an unknown visitor that she wasn't aware of, so she went and got the other girl  to go sneak and find out who it was and when they both  found out who she was they were both very shocked it was Marilyn Monroe by herself alone. Marilyn purchased about five or six books and after that the girls couldn't resist they had to follow Marilyn Monroe." Boles

Thomas Smith learned from his story people are like owls and in what he means by that is that were always up at night like owls "I learned that the person is like a night owl. they are wide awake in the night. they have seen and heard everything from cries to the rain drops. The person is kinda like me. if I'm down or just need time away from things i go out for a walk.  Some nights I just can't fall asleep so, I have to get out. Part of that reason could be we have too much on our mind." Smith

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Post 3

What I've learned From a Secret Sorrow? I have learned from the book is to love yourself and to be true to yourself. In the story there was a young lover named Faye. She had a secret that she has been keeping from her boyfriend Kai. Kai really loved her and he wanted her to marry him but Faye kept on saying no because she was scared to tell him that she was not able to have children. She felt as if she told him he would not except her and he would change his mind about marrying her. But it turned out to be the Kai didn't really mind that she could not have kids he just wants to be with her forever.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Post 2

My doc 1 story will be "From A Secret Sorrow". From A Secret Sorrow is about woman in the story who is sick and the man that she is with is trying to save her. When she regained strength her boyfriend was asking her questions like why she wont marry him. The reason why she won't marry him because she has a secret that she has not told his, is scared that he will not like her any more and he wouldn't except her.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Post 1 Favorite Movie

My favorite movies of all time my have to be any of the first 3 transformer movies, all the Rocky movies, Hunger Games and Battle of Los Angeles. They are my favorite because it has a great story line to it and they came out around the time period when I liked action movies. Transformers has to be my first movie that I really loved, I remember when they came out with the first Transformer movie in 2007 and I had to have watched that movie about 10 times that year. I loves the cars that they had, the actors and how action pack it was.

Monday, January 18, 2016

About myself

Hey everyone. My name is Ryan Phillips and this is my second semester at Middle Georgia State University. I am from Conyers, Georgia and that's about 30 to 40 minutes east of Atlanta. I went to Heritage High School and I graduated in May 2015.