Saturday, March 19, 2016

Post 16

Jaylen Pope said in her post "Usually we think of myths as imaginary gods that are powerful and perform magic and other things. In the poem "Hazel Tell LaVerne" written by Katharyn Howd Machan is revised version of the princess frog. "Myths can be a window into a culture's deepest perceptions about itself because myths attempt to explain what otherwise seems unexplainable(2042)." The poem represents that a talking frog that want a maid to kiss him in hopes of becoming a princess. Hope is the main thing in this poem."

Demetri Carter said in his post "In the poem "Hazel Tell LaVerne" written by Katharyn Howd Machan is revised version of the princess frog. "Myths can be a window into a culture's deepest perceptions about itself because myths attempt to explain what otherwise seems unexplainable." The poem is about a frog that wants to become a prince, but that only way he can become the prince is by true love's kiss by a maid. So the theme of the poem is true loves."

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