Thursday, April 28, 2016

Post 23

The most important thing that I have learned about literature. I've learned that literature is a vast topic with a lot of genre. We read some novels that had to dell with a man personal life after war "Soldier's Home". We have also read a couple of stories about how women feel on the inside and how it affects their love ones. But the most important thing that I've learned is to love reading.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Post 22

The role for women to today modern day life? Women are the back bone in today's house hole. The women cook, clean, make sure everyone is okey, and is the women is happy everyone is happy. Without women the would wouldn't spin round. Today women have the same power as men.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Post 21

My favorite T.V. show is Survivor. Survivor is a T.V. cerise that takes place in Hong Kong. They change the setting every season so the challengers can go through different obstacles. In Survivor there are 14 people that go to a remote place and they have to work as a team to survive for 25 days.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Post 20

About that develops a metaphor about what you think about poetry. Metaphors are important when it comes to poetry. Using metaphors helps readers expand the way that they think towards the text.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Post 19

One of my favorite artist is YFN Lucci and in his song "Woke Up (Boss)" he said "I steeped in the some mud and whipped it off, took a lose and took a lost, I'm a boss." This line means that in life you are going to experience some had times witch may lead to loses, but you have to overcome the loses and be a boss.  

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Post 18

Jahai Canty said "Images can mean a plethora of things depending on the viewers understanding. Imagery appeals to the five senses. The poem "Heat" by H.D uses the imagery of touch. In the poem "Heat" the author says "fruit cannot fall into heat", and "O wind, rend open the heat". I understand this image as heat being a feeling of touch. Also, the elements of nature are being personified."

Siobhan Neal said "Images can tell things better then words can tell it. Action speaks louder then words, and images are sometimes better then words. I know when I look at an image I can see the words throughout the image and sometimes predict what happens.Like Maya Angelou poem "Phenomenal Woman" I can see a woman that is strong and is well smart about what she do."

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Post 17

The definition of image is language that addresses the senses. We use images to describe different things and to catch you audience attention. They provide verbal pictures of the poet's encounters real or imagined with the world.